Applications are open!
When can I apply?
Leadership applications open every spring for the following school year. If you'd like to get involved, we have lots of volunteer opportunities within the ministry, and you can talk to one of our staff about the possibility of joining mid-year, as well!
Who should apply?
Any student who wants to serve Kennesaw State University and the surrounding community with a supporting structure and peer group. This includes being a direct influence and voice over the direction and programs of the Kennesaw State University Wesley Foundation.
Our leadership team is an expression of your desire to serve and go deeper and our commitment to invest in and support your future.
What does it require?
A growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Up to a 3-5 hour a week commitment to serve campus and the local community.
Leadership over our weekly worship service.
Leadership meeting times (To be determined based on schedules).
Commitment to a weekly discipleship mentoring relationship.
Area of service on leadership team.
A heart to serve.
That's it! We believe that everyone is called to be a leader on campus, it's just a matter of finding the right connecting point we're called to serve in. Your involvement could shape your college experience and the rest of your life.